Oh my goodness, where to start?
Let's start by ignoring the silly statement that someone who proudly eats and promotes the eating of animal flesh "fully supports" the vegan agenda and clarify what veganism actually is.
It's a philosophy and way of life that opposes (rather than supports) all forms of exploitation and oppression.
It will only stand a chance of being taken seriously when people realise this, and grasp the fact that it's not a food fad, diet, health kick or a predilection for gourmet recipes.
People have to face the fact that a huge proportion of the population eats processed burgers and chicken nuggets. You don't have to eat these things as a vegan (in fact, pretty much every vegan I've ever spoken to acknowledges it's healthier to avoid such processed crap) but having these as vegan options makes it easier for people who are used to eating them to transition.
The statement that small-scale or regenerative farms are better for the environment misses the point entirely that whatever type of farm they are raised on, all animals are exploited, all killed for their flesh long before their natural lifespan, usually in the same abattoirs, where their deaths are very often terrifying, agonising and drawn-out.
And why bring up soya? 80% of soya is fed to animals in the meat and dairy industry, and of the 20% which is fed to humans, most of those who consume it are not vegan, so if you want to draw attention to the environmental problems of large scale soya production in ex-rainforest areas, maybe vegans aren't the people you should be blaming for this. In any event, you clearly recognise a difference between large scale industrial agriculture when it comes to animal farming, so why the blind spot when it comes to soya farming?
As for comparing vegan chicken nuggets to roast chicken, why would you even go there? It's a ludicrous comparison - as ludicrous as comparing non-vegan chicken nuggets to roast chicken, in fact.
Why not compare like-for-like?
I'm glad that you are doing your bit to promote delicious (and hopefully healthy) vegan food, but not everyone has the time or inclination to follow fancy recipes. Most people do not like the idea that animals are exploited, abused and killed for their food, but we are creatures of habit. Like it or not, a lot of people are hooked on burgers and chicken nuggets and are more likely to go vegan if they have options that are similar to what they are used to, but don't involve killing anyone to get it.