I would say it matters to us while we are alive. Unless you can honestly say that sawing off your own legs just for a lark does not matter to you, then your suffering matters, at the very least while you are experiencing it.
Ultimately, in a few millennia, it might not matter to you whether you spent your life writing on Medium or stood in the corner of a room bashing your head against the wall until you died, but I think you know that right now, while you're alive, the choice you make matters to you.
It's easy to get caught up in abstractions, to think about the 'bigger picture' while you are sitting comfortably in your armchair, but I'd be willing to wager that you'd prefer to continue sitting comfortably in that armchair than mince your legs in an industrial blender because "what's the difference?"
And if your suffering matters to you, then it also matters to others. What we do can make the lives of others more tolerable, more pleasant, or more excruciating.
Essentially, you seem to be saying that what happens in consciousness doesn't matter to that which is not conscious. So what? Why should non-consciousness be the arbitrator of what matters and what doesn't matter?