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Ed Gamble’s Hot Dog Controversy
There’s a deeper, more disturbing issue here than healthy eating
Did you see today’s news? Ed Gamble is in trouble for showing his sausage on the London Undergound.
This is going to be a controversial article.
Ed Gamble is an English comedian and podcaster. He recently commissioned a poster featuring himself eating a greasy, sauce-smeared hot dog to advertise his upcoming show ‘Hot Diggity Dog’ to passengers on the London Underground.
Turns out Transport for London has had a rule since 2019 against advertisers showing pictures of junk food with high fat, sugar and salt content. Ed’s hot dog photo broke this rule and had to go.
To give the guy credit, he had a new batch of the posters printed faster than you can say “heart attack, diabetes and stroke”, showing a fresh cucumber on the plate in place of the offending hot dog.
Now, I know a lot of people reading this are going to deride Transport for London over what you might perceive as “political correctness gone mad”. And I know I might not win any fans by saying I’m pleased with TfL’s decision, but I am.
It’s old news by now that processed meat such as the kind used in hot dogs causes cancer. The World Health Organisation classifies processed…